We Educate, Consult, Connect and Care with churches to sustain the work of missions


Sending Education

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We educate churches on the theological, philosophical, and practical reasons for sending missionaries in general and missionary care in particular. We do this through direct interaction with church leadership, seminars, conferences, and curriculum creation.

Advocacy Consultation

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We consult churches on creating “advocacy teams”. This a relational model for churches providing long-term care and connection for the missionaries they send. We have created a set of resources to equip churches to set up these groups. We also provide direct consultation for churches as they set up and maintain these groups to care for the missionaries they have sent.

Organization Connection

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We work to connect churches more closely with the organizations their missionaries are being sent through. We can help facilitate the interactions between the two for the ultimate benefit of the missionaries. We also connect churches with organizations for future missionary sending based on shared vision and areas of calling. 

Supplemental Care

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We provide supplemental care in the form of third-party care partners who can provide a safe place for missionaries to share things that can be difficult to work through with a sending church. We can also provide professional resources for missionaries where needed (i.e. professional counseling, rehab, etc.) from within our organization or networked from other providers.